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Find answers to most questions here or contact us if you need more help.

  • I've had recent treatments of Botox or Derma Fillers, can I still have Cryo Facial?
    The manufacturer recommends abstaining from the facial for three months after having Botox injections. However, doctors say that a cryofacial is a relatively superficial treatment that shouldn't have any bearing on the effects of Botox. Talk with your provider if you've recently had Botox or dermal fillers.
  • What is a Cryo Facial (Frotox) treatment?
    When we age, our dermal layer of skin thins, and collagen breaks down at a faster rate then we produce it. This results in thinning skin, wrinkles, and sagging tissue. A Cryo Facial (Frotox) is the use of cryotherapy (very cold temperatures) on the face. It’s a non-invasive treatment intended to reduce the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles using our state-of-the-art cryo-aesthetics equipment. The treatment stimulates collagen production and helps improve overall skin appearance. Most Cryo Facials include the use of hyper-cooled dry gas, combined with the use of cold applicators that target fine lines/wrinkles... We use CO2. Benefits include: Tightening loose or sagging skin, reducing fine lines & wrinkles, plus jaw and cheekbone sculpting. It can also reduce the appearance of some skin blemishes and/or discoloration.
  • How does a Cryo Facial (Frotox) treatment work?
    Utilizing our cryo-aesthetics equipment we apply very cold temperatures to the skin by way of a spray fog or cold applicators. These cold temperatures create a thermal shock & micro-trauma to the skin. This process slows the breakdown of collagen and promotes increase in collagen production inside the skin cells (epidermis).
  • Will my face be red after a Cryo Facial (Frotox) treatment?
    A Cryo Facial may leave some individual’s face slightly red. But the redness should only be temporary (hours). The redness that may occur is a result of the hyper-cool CO2 gas and/or cold applicators we utilize on the skin.
  • How long is a Cryo Facial treatment?
    The Cryo Facial treatment itself is rather quick — about 15-20 minutes. But we reserve about 30 minutes per appointment right now to give our clients and us enough time to chat about the treatment & goals
  • How often should I get a Cryo Facial?
    Here are some general guidelines as to how often we recommend getting a Cryo Facial: Least Aggressive: 1x per week, for first 4-8 weeks. Then 1-2 times per month Average: 2x per week, for the first 4-8 weeks. Then 1-2 times per month Most Aggressive: 3x per week for first 2-3 weeks. Then 1-2 times per month
  • How many Cryo Facial treatments will I need?
    Everyone responds differently to our Cryo Facial treatments. Some may begin to see results after one treatment, others may need several. Please be sure to ask about our package discounts and memberships.
  • Can a Cryo Facial get rid of a double chin?
    At our client’s request, a Cryo Facial session can focus on the neck area, with a specific emphasis on reducing the appearance of a double chin. Results largely depend on the chin and the amount of adipose tissue (“fat”) that is under the skin. We also need to combine skin tightening with the fat reduction to ensure we don’t leave the client with loose skin. For fat reduction and skin tightening in the chin area, it would likely take several treatments to ensure a good result.
  • Will a Cryo Facial help tighten sagging neck skin?
    Skin tightening takes time, so a single Cryo Facial (with focus on the neck) wouldn’t be enough to repair and tighten loose or sagging neck skin. Our recommendation would be to book a single Cryo Facial appointment and experience the treatment first-hand. If you feel you’d like to return for more treatments, you could purchase our 6-session discount package, for example, and we would apply your first visit to your package. Over the course of your treatments, we’d take before/after pictures to track your progress, and determine how effective the treatments have been to reaching your goal.
  • Will a Cryo Facial help with existing acne scars?
    Multiple Cryo Facial treatments should help improve the appearance of acne scars. The healing process on the face takes a bit longer and is a little unpredictable. But, Cryo Facials help the skin regenerate collagen at a faster rate, so hopefully that repair process will help improve the appearance of existing acne scars. Of course, for existing acne, our Cryo Facials can make a significant difference by reducing the inflammation, redness, and bacterial elements within existing acne.
  • How does Frotox reduce or eliminate face acne?
    Frotox helps reduce acne in the following ways: Thermal shock (from the cold temperatures) causes a reduction in the production of oil in the skin, reducing the acne. Combats any bacterial infection that is going on. Reduces inflammation. Brings acne to a head.
  • How often should I get a Frotox Face Acne treatment?
    For those with severe cases of face acne, we recommend daily Frotox Face Acne treatments until we see the acne begin to clear. Then, either weekly or every other week for maintenance. For those with less severe cases, we recommend treatments every 4-7 days to begin. Then, either weekly or every other week for maintenance. Once the acne has mostly cleared, frequency of visits can be up to the client’s discretion.
  • How Should I Use Red Light for Cellulite?
    The very best results will be achieved by combining red and NIR light. Red light will affect subcutaneous fat, which is the jiggly fat just under the skin, and NIR light is absorbed much deeper into the body where it positively affects your body composition by increasing the ratio of muscle to body fat. Increased muscle growth will stimulate your metabolism. Increased muscle mass increases your baseline metabolism, which increases the number of calories burned while you’re at rest. A combination of the most therapeutic wavelengths: 630nm and 660nm (red light), along with 810nm, 830nm, and 850nm (NIR light) will deliver the comprehensive therapeutic benefits of each wavelength. This combination can only be found in PlatinumLED’s BIOMAX series—an investment that will pay off with a variety of health benefits, from improved immune system functioning, to reduction in symptoms of chronic skin conditions, to reduction of fat and cellulite.
  • All red light devices are NOT created equal?
    Cheap LED red light masks, wands, and wraps don’t have the power to deliver enough light, which means they are not effective. And since many are battery-powered, you can expect an even greater drop in intensity as the batteries drain.
  • How Often Should I Use Red Light Therapy?
    You can self-administer red light therapy three to five times per week, for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. For a noticeable reduction in cellulite, we recommend the use of red light therapy treatment for one to four months. Red light therapy works at the cellular level and is not considered a “band aid” fix that only focuses on symptoms, which is why relatively extended treatments are required. Red light therapy stimulates the body’s regenerative processes, but since skin cells take about 27 days to replicate themselves and connective tissue cells replicate even more slowly (and cells don’t all replicate at once), expect at least a month to see optimal results.
  • Can I Get Too Much Red Light Therapy?
    There are no known side effects to red light therapy. Red light won't burn the skin or cause premature aging of the skin like ultraviolet (UVA/UVB) rays. However, because red light works on a cellular level and cells need time to repair and replicate, "more" isn't necessarily better. Skin and connective tissue regeneration cannot be accelerated by adding more red light sessions or moving closer to the device. Treating excess fat, including cellulite, requires consistency and patience. Just as it takes time to build up muscles and lose weight with resistance training, it takes time for the effects of red light therapy to reach their peak results. You should, however, achieve some encouraging results from red light therapy rather quickly. Its fat-dissolving properties can offer immediate visible reduction in the appearance of cellulite. After a few treatments, you may even see a significant reduction in size of the treated areas. For the best possible results in reducing cellulite, combine red light therapy with smart lifestyle choices, including a healthy diet and regular exercise. In order for your cellulite loss to be permanent, stay committed to a healthy lifestyle and an ongoing maintenance program of weekly red light treatments.
  • How many sessions of red light therapy does it take to see results?
    It usually requires around 10 sessions to see visible changes. However, after a few treatments, you can expect to witness minor results.
  • Can Red Light Therapy Reduce Belly Fat?
    If you’ve tried various methods to lose belly fat, you’re not alone. Weight loss remains a huge industry, partly because there are so many different methods. There is also no shortage of contradictory information about the 'right way' to lose weight.
  • How Does Red Light Therapy Work?
    Red light therapy uses specialty LED devices to deliver specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light to spark beneficial biological processes in the body. The therapeutic benefits can be numerous, including reduced inflammation, better blood flow, more collagen production, and improved cellular function. Fundamentally, red light therapy functions by stimulating the mitochondria, providing it with energy that allows it to heal and treat the body more rapidly.
  • Does Red Light Therapy Reduce Fat?
    There are several mechanisms that make red light therapy a weight loss tool. RLT may be more effective at treating subcutaneous fat than visceral fat. Some differences between the two are explained in more detail below. Numerous clinical studies are cited below involving the use of RLT for weight loss treatment. There are also a number of bodily benefits that may contribute tertiary benefits to fat loss.
  • Which Type of Fat Is Most Responsive to Red Light Therapy?
    Any subcutaneous fat cells will be the first cells targeted by red light therapy. Near-infrared light can absorb about 2” into the abdomen, which means the treatment will first target subcutaneous fat cells. When red and NIR light photons absorb into a fat cell, they cause the formation of temporary pores in the cell. In one study, four minutes of treatment with 635nm red light wavelengths caused fat cells to release 80% of their contents, and almost all of the contents of treated fat cells were released within six minutes. Red light also stimulates adipocyte apoptosis. This is the natural death of fat cells, and will also promote the release of lipids that can help with weight loss.
  • How Long Does Red Light Therapy Take to Work?
    As beneficial as red light therapy is, it should not be considered a miracle treatment for any condition. Whether benefits are skin-deep or deeper in the body, they often take time to manifest because red light therapy works at the cellular level. Cells need time to repair themselves or replicate, and for the effects of millions of cells working together to result in improvement. Consistency is key to seeing results. You may see some results very quickly, but the full effects may not be visible for three to six months of daily use. We recommend taking “before” and “after” photos to monitor your progress. Once you’ve achieved the results you want, you can continue with less frequent treatments to maintain your results.
  • What are the Side Effects of Red Light Therapy?
    Scientists have found that red light therapy is free of side effects when used as directed, including using protective eyewear and not overdoing the treatment times. In every study we've reviewed, patient satisfaction has been very high.
  • Is Laser Therapy better or faster than Red Light?
    Laser machines that use green or red lasers are effective of targeting certain areas for fat reduction. There is still very much to be learned about the long-term effects of using lasers for body contouring. Even though their manufacturers suggest they are better and the next best thing in fat reduction the specifications of the intensity of laser light still only covers 4 wavelengths of light compared to the 7 wavelengths of PlatinumLED Biomax Red Lights. One last thing, lasers emit a constantly spinning circular pattern of about 3" and most machines have 6 to 10 laser diodes that target all at once and cover an area of about 10 to 12 inches of your body at one time (like the midsection). Some of the laser diodes can be movable and overlap each other and some are fixed and cannot move. this creates separation of coverage between the circular patterns and does not prove full and even coverage of the treated areas. The placement of the laser diodes leaves gaps of untreated areas and it is believed those areas would be left with bulges or lumpy areas. The PlatinumLED panels we use (6'x2') cover the entire body and evenly target all areas all at once. Getting that much coverage from lasers would be many more sessions and very expensive. Maybe one day the laser technology will find a better solution but for now our Advanced PlatinumLED Biomax Red Tight Therapy is the best available solution for fat loss and skin rejuvenation. Speed of Fat Loss? Whether you use red lights or lasers it takes your body the same amount of time to pass the fatty tissue through your lymphatic system so neither method of treatment has an advantage over the other when it comes to your body. Everyone is different but it is suggested that you drink more water and less caffeine as well as a proper diet and exercise routine, daily massages of the treated areas is also recommended to aid in fat cells releasing the tissue through your lymphatic system.
  • Who should not be treated by Subzero Cryo Body Sculpting?
    These procedures are not for everyone. You should not be treated with Cryo body sculpting if you suffer from cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. Please consult with a physician prior to having cryo sculpting treatments.
  • What does it feel like during the cryo treatment?
    For many people during the treatment you may experience sensations of pulling, tugging, mild pinching, intense cold, tingling, stinging, aching, and cramping at the treatment site. These sensations lessen as the area becomes numb. Following the treatment typical side effects include temporary redness, swelling, blanching, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging, tenderness, cramping, aching, itching, or skin sensitivity but again are temporary and should go away within the next few hours.
  • How long are cryo treatments?
    Treatments can take as little as 10 to 20 minutes and cover two treatment areas. We recommend multiple treatments to help achieve the best results see our service plans and memberships.
  • How soon will I see results with cryo body sculpting?
    Some results may be seen as early as 1 to 3 sessions but it will take weeks or months after treatments for the real results. Your lymphatic system takes time to pass the dead fat cells through your system so full results can sometimes take up to 6 months or more. Be sure to maintain a healthy diet, routine exercise, lower caffeine intake, and drink more water so it helps your body complete its fat elimination process.
  • How often can I have cryo treatments?
    This is a common question and you may hear several answers to it but in general each area should not be treated more than twice per week like every 3 days or so. However; if you are treating more than one area of your body then more frequent visits are ok since you can alternate the different areas. We can figure a plan for you once we know more about the areas of treatment you want.
  • Will Cryo Sculpting tighten my sagging skin?
    Skin tightening takes time, so a single Cryo session wouldn’t be enough to repair and tighten loose or sagging skin. Many people have experienced weight loss from drugs like Ozempic or Mounjaro etc and now are faced with loose skin. Cryo can definitely help tighten your skin and bring back more blood flow and rejuvenation. You may need several treatments to see real results and in some cases one can often see results after just a few treatments, it really depends on how your skin elasticity reacts. We recommend at minimum to purchase our 6-session service plan for example, and we would apply your first visit as free. Over the course of your treatments, we’d take before/after pictures to track your progress, and determine how effective the treatments have been to reaching your goal.
  • Will I need time to recover after my Cryo treatments?
    Cryo treatments are non-invasive and require no down time or recovery. Your skin may still feel a little cold to touch and possibly some redness or light swelling and that should go away within minutes to a couple hours so going back to your day is not a problem. Our Cryo sessions are normally 30 minutes to 35 minutes or so and that includes spending 10 minutes on the vibration plate afterwards. Your first session may take longer upto 45 minutes since there will be consultation but after that first time it's usually 30 minutes.
  • How does cryo slimming work?
    CryoSlimming is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses controlled cooling to target and eliminate stubborn fat cells. Unlike traditional methods such as liposuction, CryoSlimming is a safe and painless procedure that requires no downtime. It is designed to reduce fat in specific areas of the body, helping you achieve a more sculpted and toned appearance. The key to CryoSlimming lies in the process of cryolipolysis, which involves the application of cold temperatures to fat cells. Here’s how it works: Targeted Cooling: During a CryoSlimming session, a specialized device is used to deliver controlled cooling to the targeted area. The temperature is carefully regulated to ensure that only the fat cells are affected, while the surrounding tissues remain unharmed. Fat Cell Freezing: The cold temperatures cause the fat cells to undergo a process called apoptosis, or programmed cell death. This means that the fat cells are gradually broken down and eliminated by the body’s natural metabolic processes. Natural Elimination: Over the following weeks and months, the body naturally processes and eliminates the dead fat cells. This results in a gradual reduction of fat in the treated area, leading to a more contoured and toned appearance.
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